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In Latin, Quálitas means quality. More than a commercial name for the business, Quálitas identifies an attitude which can be credited for our rapid and solid growth.

Founded on the 9th of December, 1993 in México City, our first policy was issued on the 22nd of March, 1994. By the end of our first year, we had 36 employees, 115 agents and 2,970 insured vehicles.
Our business model consists of maintaining a sales force

throughout the entire Republic, inviting independent insurance agents, who are knowledgeable of their region, to form part of our national network.

As a business specializing in the automobile industry, we have achieved dizzying growth. At the completion of the fourth quarter of 2004 we held 11% of the automobile insurance market in the country.

Since 2001, following the acquisition of the portfolio of Seguros Monterrey New York Life, our network of insurance agents has offered our clients a new product: Homeowner’s Insurance (“Paquete Familiar”). Yet again, through imagination and determination, we decided to undertake a new challenge: to reverse the countrywide trend of neglecting to purchase insurance to cover real estate.

Currently, in furtherance of offering the highest standards of quality and service to our increasingly sophisticated clients, we have opened almost 100 Service Offices throughout the Republic.

We offer assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round to our insureds thanks to an efficient system of internal communication that permits us to maintain a permanent link with our agents and clients.

Quálitas is a member of the “Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguro” (Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions), AMIS.

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